Aquifer Sedimentology Research
Journal Articles
Gilmore, T.E., Korus, J.T., Pennisi, L., Martin, D., Pekarek, K., 2019, Needs Assessment: Watershed Science for Water Resources Directors, Journal of Extension, v. 57, no. 4, article 4RIB7,
Joeckel, R.M., Diffendal, R.F., Hanson, P.R., Korus, J.T., 2018, Geologic mapping of Nebraska: Old rocks, new maps, fresh insights, Great Plains Research, v. 28, p. 119-147.
Korus, J.T., 2018, Combining hydraulic head analysis with airborne electromagnetics to detect and map impermeable aquifer boundaries, Water, v. 10, no. 8, p. 975. doi: 10.3390/w10080975
Korus, J.T., Gilmore, T.E., Waszgis, M.M., Mittelstet, A.R., 2018, Unit-bar migration and bar-trough deposition: impacts on permeability and grain size heterogeneity in a sandy streambed, Hydrogeology Journal, v. 26, p. 553-564 doi: 10.1007/s10040-017-1661-6
Korus, J.T., Fielding, C.R., 2017, Hierarchical architecture of sequences and bounding surfaces in a depositional dip transect of the fluvio-deltaic Ferron Sandstone (Turonian), southeastern Utah, U.S.A., Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 87, p. 897-920, doi: 10.2110/jsr.2017.50
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M., Divine, D.P., Abraham, J., 2017, 3-D architecture and hydrostratigraphy of cross-cutting buried valleys using airborne electromagnetics, glaciated Central Lowlands, Nebraska, U.S.A., Sedimentology, v. 64, p. 553-581, doi: 10.1111/sed.12314
Burberry, C.M., Joeckel, R.M., Korus, J.T., 2015, Post-Mississippian tectonics of the Nemaha Tectonic Zone and Mid-Continent Rift System, SE Nebraska and N Kansas. The Mountain Geologist, v. 52, p. 47-73.
Korus, J.T., Fielding, C.R., 2015, Asymmetry in Holocene river deltas: patterns, controls, and stratigraphic effects. Earth Science Reviews, v. 150, p. 219-242.
Korus, J.T., Fielding, C.R., 2015, Enhanced bioturbation on the down-drift flank of a Turonian asymmetric delta: Implications for seaway circulation, river nutrients, and facies models. Sedimentology, v. 62, p. 1899-1922; doi: 10.1111/sed.12213
Joeckel, R.M., Wooden, S.R., Jr., Korus, J.T., Garbisch, J.O., 2014. Architecture, heterogeneity, and origin of late Miocene fluvial deposits hosting the most important aquifer in the Great Plains, USA. Sedimentary Geology, v. 311, p. 75-95.
Joeckel, R.M., Korus, J.T., 2012, Bayhead delta interpretation of an Upper Pennsylvanian sheetlike sandstone body and the broader understanding of transgressive deposits in cyclothems. Sedimentary Geology, v. 275-276, p. 22-37.
Korus, J.T., Burbach, M.E., 2009, Analysis of aquifer depletion criteria with implications for groundwater management. Great Plains Research, v. 19, p. 187-200.
Korus, J.T., Kvale, E.P., Eriksson, K.A., Joeckel, R.M., 2008, Compound paleovalley fills in the Lower Pennsylvanian New River Formation, West Virginia, USA. Sedimentary Geology, v. 208, p. 15-26.
Geological Survey Publications
Korus, J.T., 2019. Maps showing the Physical Hydrogeology and Changes in Saturated Thickness (Predevelopment to Spring 2016 and Spring 2011 to Spring 2016) in the Middle Republican Natural Resources District, southwestern Nebraska. Resource Atlas No. 12, Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M., Divine, D.P., 2013, Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Firth, Nebraska area: Results from Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA). Geological Survey Bulletin 3 (new series), Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 100 p.
Korus, J.T., Howard, L.M., Young, A.R., Divine, D.P., Burbach, M.E., Jess, J.M., Hallum, D.R., 2013. The Groundwater Atlas of Nebraska. Third (revised) edition, Resource Atlas No. 4b/2013, Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 64 p.
Divine, D.P., Korus, J.T., 2013, Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Swedeburg, Nebraska area: Results from Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA). Geological Survey Bulletin 5 (new series), Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 31 p.
Divine, D.P., Korus, J.T., 2012, Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Sprague, Nebraska area: Results from Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA). Geological Survey Bulletin 4 (new series), Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 32 p.
Hanson, P.R., Korus, J.T., Divine, D.P., 2012, Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Platte River Valley near Ashland, Nebraska: Results from Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA). Geological Survey Bulletin 2 (new series), Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 51 p.